Shameless Self-Promotion: Webcomics and Robot Chicken

I wrote a little article for on webcomics that ought to make an appearance on Robot Chicken. Hopefully, this will be the first in a line of blog postings.
Obviously, you should go read the article. But, more importantly, you should Digg the article when you're done. Click the little Digg It button at the top of the article. It will take you to the Digg website. You'll see another Digg It button. Digg It, baby, Digg It! You'll know you've succeeded when the vote count increases by one. Think of this as your civic duty. Support local authors and all that.
Also, a very lonely webcomic fan has already commented that he wanted more from the article. I probably snubbed a favorite hentai strip somewhere. Don't let him win! Digg It! Forward it! Digg It some more!
And thank you. :)

I added my Digg! Hope it helped.
By wonderer, at 12/11/08 17:17 -
Dude, is that Heidi Haru original t-shirt available for purchase? Because I would totally wear that.
By R. Batty, at 22/11/08 23:30
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