What I Was Thinking
17 August 2006

That time you were drunk in Tokyo. You flopped down the subway stairs, like the exaggerated walk of a silent film drunkard. You sang loudly and without regard for your volume as we waited on the platform and then sat on the train. And, when hushed, how you leaned over and whispered, "TOFU!"
That Halloween we both went as jack-o-lanterns. I felt like we deserved out own parade.
How you felt sorry for Ike Turner in What's Love Got To Do With It? when he proclaimed, "But, baby, I'm off the narcotic!"
How much I loved that period of time when we were living together, both driving to school together everyday, and being able to meet up with you at random intervals around campus. We could listen to CDs on the drive in and sing along at full blast. That was the best period of my college life.
The way we both got the church giggles when we went to see that old Japanese woman perform on the shamisen. I have never so instantly regretted front row/center seats before in my life. The giggles were so much worse, so much more fun with you sitting next to me.
That I've always envied your ability to draw and your penmanship, even when we were children.
The way we could both leave My Dinner with Andre playing all day and never get tired of it.
That we have the same memories. I'll never have another person in my life who has my memories. You will always be the only one.
How freakishly good you are at Tetris.Seriously. It is freakish.
Your happy dance - the one where you close your eyes, tuck your lips into your mouth while you smile, and you alternately swing your bent arms with gently made fists.
How great you look with a shaved head.
9:29 AM :: 
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a woman under the influence :: permalink

It's kind of crazy to know that I was there for #1. I believe I have the picture of Juliet's first sip of the Sapporo we bought back at the ryokan.
By Chris/Stewy, at 18/8/06 14:11
I think I had sobered up sufficiently by that point :-).
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