I Should Have Gone to Belly Dance
29 October 2005

Despite my best intentions, I believe that my choice in font will somehow make-or-break my blog quality. I have never had a blog and want to make my inaugural site both intellectually and aesthetically pleasing.
Is this the font that communicates the nuances and subtleties of my character?
Despite my best intentions, I will get little to no work done today. At this point, I am still rallying myself to leave my bed. It will only be a minor victory to go put in my contact lenses, but getting into the shower and bathing will require a lengthier internal monologue than I am willing to commit to here. I have let myself go. I am not sure when.
Despite my best intentions, I continue to be too cerebral and methodical. I have made honest attempts to redirect my thinking and infuse my life with even a modicum of the creativity and spontaneity I have enjoyed in the past. Somewhere along the line I have gone hard. Somewhere along the line I have moved away from the sensibilities of The Little Prince and My Dinner with Andre. I still believe in these sensibilities, but rarely abide by them when pressed. I am a holiday-only church goer who continues to maintain that I am a devote Christian at dinner parties. Jesus.
Despite my best intentions, this first blog has become a vague and ephemeral ramble doing very little to introduce myself or suggest future quality. I hope to make future posts specific to actual events and thoughts. I hope to make future posts wax less philosophical, especially because I hate those pretentious fucks who start blogs only to find a sounding board for their shallow, unperceptive, and clearly unresearched personal philosophies. If you're going to espouse a "new" philosophy for life, at least have the decency to read the works of the truly great thinkers before claiming that there is something in any way revolutionary about throwing caution to the wind and acting without regard to social norms.
Despite my best intentions, this post has ended on a bitter note. I was hoping to stave that part of myself off for a bit longer.
It all comes from not making front doors big enough.